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Monsters- Slime(1-4), Dracky (1-4), Anteater (1-4)

Boss- Healer (JOINS)


Monsters- Anteater (1-2), StubSuck (1-4), Picky (1-2), Gremlin (3-4), GoHopper (1-4), Pillowrat (3-4)

Boss- Dragon (JOINS)


Monsters- Anteater (1-2), Spooky (1-5), MiniDrak (1-2), Goopi (3-5), ArmyAnt (1-5), Picky (3-5)

Boss- Golem (JOINS)


Monsters- DragonKid (1-2), Goopi (1-2), SpotSlime (3-4), PillowRat (1-2), Catapila (1-4), FairyRat (3-4), Picky (3-4)

Boss- MadCat (JOINS)


Monsters- BigRoost (1-2), Demonite (3-5), DragonKid (1-2), EvilSeed (3-5), MiniDrak (1-2), Hork (3-5), SpotSlime (1-5)

Boss- FaceTree (JOINS)


Monsters- BigRoost (1-3), DragonKid (4-5), CoilBird (1-3), Almiraj (4-7), SpotSlime (1-3), BullBird (6-7), Crestpent (1-7,) Hork (6-7), BoneSlave (4-5)

Boss- FangSlime (JOINS)


Monsters- Demonite (1-3) SabreMan (4-5), 1EyeClown (1-3), GiantWorm (4-8), BeanMan (1-8), BullBird (6-8), FloraMan (1-8)

Boss- BigEye (DOESN'T JOIN)


Monsters- GiantWorm (1-3), Eyeder (4-10), GiantSlug (1-5), Purepup (6-10), Poisongon (1-8), DrakSlime (9-10), CatFly (1-10)

Boss- BattleRex (JOINS)


Monsters- MudDoll (1-5), FairyDrak (1-5 9-10), TreeSlime (1-3 6-10), WingTree (4-10), SkulRider (1-8), DrakSlime (6-10)

Boss- StoneMan (DOESN'T JOIN)


Monsters- Snaily (1-5), EyeBall (6-13), Gulpple (1-8), Babble (9-13), Saccer (1-12), Mummy (9-13), MadPecker (1-8 13)

Boss- FunkyBird (JOINS)


Monsters-Facer (1-5) Pteranod (1-14) Tonguella (1-14) Armorpede (6-14) FloraJay (1-14)

Boss- SkyDragon (DOESN'T JOIN)


Monsters- Gasgon (1-4) DeadNite (5-17) Oniono (1-12) StubBird (13-17) Pixy (1-16) SpikyBoy (17) Gophecada (1-17)

Boss- Jamirus (DOESN'T JOIN)


Monsters- SpikyBoy (1-8) StagBug (9-19) Mommonja (1-12) MistyWing (13-19) KingCobra (1-16) DarkEye (17-19) Slimenite (1-19)

Boss- Centasaur and EvilArmor (DON'T JOIN)
Servant (MIGHT JOIN)


Monsters- Chamelgon (1-5) Gismo (1-22) CactiBall (1-15) DuckKite (6-22) TailEater (1-10 16-20) AgDevil (11-22)
RockSlime (1-22) WindMerge (21-22)

Boss- Darkhorn (MIGHT JOIN)


Monsters- WeedBug (1-5) SpotKing (1-24) TreeBoy (1-20) Droll (6-15) HammerMan (1-24) LizardFly (11-24) MadGoose (1-10 21-24) GiantMoth (16-24)

Boss- Akubar (DOESN'T JOIN)


Monsters- EvilWand (1-5) FireWeed (11-25) EvilBeast (1-10) Wyvern (11-25) Shadow (1-10) MadHornet (16-28) SlimeBorg (1-15) Lionex (16-28) LizardMan (1-20) RotRaven (21-28) Grizzly (6-28) JewelBag (26-28)

Boss- Servants (MIGHT JOIN)Terry and Durran (DON'T JOIN)


Monsters- Crestpent (1-3) DragonKid (4-5) FairyRat (1-3) Catapila (4-8) SpotSlime (1-3) 1EyeClown (6-8) BigRoost (1-5) Demonite (6-8) BeanMan (4-5) Hork (6-8)

Boss- MadKnight (JOINS)


Monsters- BoneSlave (1-3) GiantWorm (6-8) Almiraj (1-5) BullBird (6-11) GiantSlug (1-5) MudDoll (6-11) FloraMan (1-11) Metaly (9-11) TreeSlime (4-5) SabreMan (9-11)

Boss- Gigantes (MIGHT JOIN)


Monsters- ButterFly (1-3) Mudron (4-5 9-11) FairyDrak (1-5) DrakSlime (6-11) MadRaven (1-8) Facer (6-11) Skullroo (1-11)

Boss- CopyCat (JOINS)


Monsters- WingSlime (1-5) Slabbit (6-15) MedusaEye (1-6) WindBeast (9-15) MadCandle (1-12) Gasgon (13-15) MadGopher (1-15)

Boss- Digster (JOINS)


Monsters- Gismo (1-8) Orc (1-18) NiteWhip (1-8) Reaper (6-18) BoxSlime (1-18) RogueNite (6-18)

Boss- Lipsy, ToadStool, and Kingslime (MIGHT JOIN)


Monsters- AmberWeed (1-5) MadSpirit (1-10 16-24) CurseLamp (1-10) WildApe (6-24) ArmyCrab (1-20) Tortragon (11-24)
ArcDemon (1-24) LandOwl (21-24)

Boss- Orochi (DOESN'T JOIN)

None of the following gate bosses will join you.

-The Gate of Bugs-

Monsters- Gohopper, Catapila, GiantWorm, GiantSlug, Eyeder, Armorpede, Butterfly, Taileater, Gophecada, WeedBug, StagBug, GiantMoth, MadHornet, Droll, ArmyCrab

Boss- DracoLord
HP- 4000
MP- 550
FireBolt, Meditate, BeDragon

-The Gate of Plants-

Monsters- FloraMan, StubSuck, BeanMan, Gulpple, WingTree, Oniono, CactiBall, FireWeed, treeBoy, AmberWeed, ManEater, DanceVegi, Snapper

Boss- Hargon
HP- 4000
MP- 550
FireBolt, Explodet, BazooCall

Boss- Sidoh
HP- 6000
MP- 999
WhiteFire, WhiteAir, HellBlast

-The Gate of Birds-

Monsters- Picky, Dracky, FloraJade, MadPecker, MadRaven, DuckKite, MistyWing, MadGoose, LandOwl, Wyver, ZapBird, MadCondor, WhipBird

Boss- Baramos
HP- 4000
MP- 999
Explodet, RockThrow, HellBlast

-The Gate of Slimes-

Monsters- Slime, TreeSlime, SpotSlime, Metaly, Snaily, Babble, DrakSlime, Slabbit, SlimeNite, RockSlime, BoxSlime, Metabble, SpotKing, SlimeBorg

Boss- Zoma
HP- 4500
MP- 999
WhiteAir, BigBang, DeMagic

-The Gate of Devils-

Monsters- Demonite, 1EyeClown, SkulRider, MedusaEye, EyeBall, Pixy, Orc, EvilBeast, ArcDemon, AgDevil, GreatHorn, Ogre, Grendal, Lionex, DarkEye

Boss- Pizzaro (I wanna know what happened to Necrosaro!)
HP- 6000
MP- 600
QuadHits, WhiteFire, HellBlast

-The Gate of Zombies-

Monsters- Hork, BoneSlave, Spooky, Putrepup, Mummy, DeadNite, Nitewhip, Mudron, Reaper, Madspirit, Windmerge, Shadow, Skeletor, DarkCrab, Skullgon, DeadNoble

Boss- Esterk
HP- 3800
MP- 700
RainSlash, DeMagic, GigaSlash (NOOOOO!!!)

-The Gate of Beasts-

Monsters- FairyRat, PillowRat, Skullroo, Almiraj, CatFly, Mommonjia, WindBeast, Tonguella, Saccer, SuperTen, Goategon, Grizzly, HammerMan, WildApe, IronTurt, Unicorn, Trumpeter, GulpBeast, Yeti

Boss- Mudou
HP- 5000
MP- 999
WhiteFire, WhiteAir, PalsyAir

-The Gate of Materials-

Monsters- Goopi, CoilBird, Muddoll, Saberman, RougeNite, Facer, MadCandle, SpikyBoy, Curselamp, Gismo, JewelBag, CuseWand, MadMirror, BombCrag, MetalDrak, Roboster, Voodoll, Balzak

Boss- Mirudraas
HP- 5000
MP- 999
BlazeMost, Explodet, Thordain

---OLD MAN'S---
-The Gate of Dragons-

Monsters- Crestpent, MiniDrak, Poisongon, FairyDrak, Gasgon, Pteranod, Swordgon, WingSnake, Tortragon, LizardFly, LizardMan, Andreal, Rayburn, Spikerous, GreatDrak, Chamelgon

Boss- DeathMore
HP- 9000
MP- 700
BigBang, HellBlast, SamsiCall

-The Gate of Mystery-

Monsters- Skeletor, Trumpeter, MetalDrak, MadDragon, Snapper, GoatHorn, DeadNoble, Roboster, BombCrag, Andreal, Unicorn, GreatDrak, ZapBird, WhipBird, Metaly, Metabble

Boss- Unknown (DARKDRIUM??)

This gate is only accessible via GameShark, it has 99 levels and at the bottom there is an empty room. Any further information about the boss would be helpful.

First, enter any gate and access the code- 011F35C9. Walk into the next hole and VOILA 32nd gate.