Android 21's DB Dungeon
Signature Attacks


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Signature Attacks
Species in DBZ


Gohan charges up energy above his head, then fires it. Unlike most attacks, the Masenko is formed and fired by placing one hand across the other.


Special Beam Cannon-
An extremely powerful form of ki, it's charged by pressing two fingers on the forehead. Then you simply point those two fingers at the target and say 'fire'. It's basically a really thin beam with another really thin beam spiralling around it.


An energy beam developed by Master Roshi and fired from the hands, which are cupped together.

Taught by King Kai, this attack increases the person's power, speed, and senses temporarily. However, it puts so much strain on the body you have to try not to overdo it.

Spirit Bomb-
Also taught by King Kai, the Spirit Bomb is the king of attacks. It gathers energy from every living thing into an energy ball, size depending on how much energy it gathers.

I dunno exactly what it's called, but Goku learns it out in space. By placing fingers on the forehead and thinking about where you want to go, you're instantly warped there.


Big Bang-
Ki blast that doesn't take too long to charge. It is fired from the outstretched palm of the hand.

Final Flash-
It takes very long to charge this attack, but well worth the wait. It is a yellow beam of ki energy which is shot from the hands.


Super Ghost Kamekaze Attack-
Yup, sounds kinda weird doesn't it? Well, that's Gotenks for ya'. Anyway, Gotenks creates a bunch of little ghost copies of himself, and then they come toward you and BOOM. They self-destruct.